
Sunday, April 1, 2012

Optimism....does anyone have it anymore?

"I am able to do all things through Christ who strengthens me."
                                                                       ~Philippians 4:13~

Why do we allow ourselves to be filled up with negativity from the world? AND WHY do we allow ourselves to be negative period? Negative people are NOT happy people...and quite frankly...they are not fun to be around. Why should we surround ourselves with people who see life as the glass is half empty? There are so many possibilities in this world. God gives us talents and blessings so that we may shed his light onto other's lives.

We should...focus on possibilities, not the road blocks (even though we will approach those road blocks and time to time failure), but don't invest YOU LIFE or even TWO SECONDS of your time on past misfortune. Instead, look to the future with optimism and hope of a better today! WE are NOT promised tomorrow, but we are promised God's love, and the best thing about God's love is that all we have to do is accept it. He wants to be a part of our lives. He wants for us to invite him in. He longs to be needed by us, and we need him in our lives daily.

Encourage your friends and family to be optimistic. Even when we do have bad days, try and find one great thing that has happened that day and focus on that. We must share God's blessings with everyone. Surround yourself with people of happiness, joy, and optimism. Do not get stuck in the rut and use it as an excuse for your life. Put God in control, and he will steer you where you need to be.


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