
Friday, December 7, 2012

I'm Back and SOOOO READY! my last post said "I'd be back soon."....Well that was a LIE, but I have good reasons. Getting married and trying to get my house together and teach was CONSUMING my time. However, I really need this. I love posting things that I do! I will start again tonight and this weekend. I am participating in the 12 days of Christmas for my I will take a picture daily and show you what I have done to make him feel a bit more special each day. I will also post pics of my AWESOMELY decorated home! I can't wait to show you all!

With all my love,


Monday, July 23, 2012

Hi All! Long time no speak! I am just now getting back into the swing of things after the wedding! I will be posting pictures to my blog soon! I have been busy busy with lots of new projects! I can't wait to show everyone! I am starting some new devotions as well! I am excited to see what this year has to hold!

With all my love,


Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Wedding Fun :)

Hey All!! Hope everyone is having a positively fantastic day! Just wanted to give you a link to this awesome wedding blog! They have wonderful writers and great give-a-ways ALL of the time! Plus awesome advice for any Nashville bride :) Happy Planning :)


Monday, April 16, 2012

Laying out my heart :)

Hey everyone! How I've missed doing this. My last post was 15 days ago...not going to lie it feels a tee-bit longer than that. I have been talking to God a lot today and just had something put on my heart that I want to share....

As a human race we are designed with all sorts of emotions. These emotions we have can come with positive and negative consequences. One action I am participating with in my life is staying positive no matter the circumstance. I just am going to keep smiling. God keeps telling me that this example will show through, and I am praying it does. But....

What happens when someone does something intentional to us to hurt us or our family? What happens when people make a bad decision on purpose, no matter the motive or was still on purpose. Are we to forgive these people? Are we to forget the mistakes they have made? HOW COULD WE? Let's take it a step further....let's say a person intentionally hurt you and they are a family member, maybe your mom, dad, sister, brother, aunt, uncle, grandparent, cousin, dog...whoever in your family did something that truly hurt you so bad that you want to come busting at the seems....what do you do? Are we now to forgive these individuals? Are we to forget the mistakes they have made...even intentionally? the answer is...... is why....

Let's just stop for a moment and think about this:
1) Someone in the situation was hurt
2) Someone in the situation was doing the hurting...intentionally or not
3) Someone in the situation made a mistake and may one day need to be forgiven for the bad things he or she did. this starting to sound familiar????


As I can see it....the example above shows our direct relationship with Christ....except He paid the ultimate price. Not only did/does he forgive us for all that we have done...but he died to insure that in the end our sin will be wiped away forever and we will be clean again. And may I add that we know the choices that we make. I know that I have made choices in my life that have hurt God my Father....if I knew what I was doing was wrong....then it was intentional! So if God can forgive my horrible behavior, then we certainly can forgive the wrongdoers in our lives. let's get back to forgiveness.....
Forgiving someone is one of the hardest things to do as a human being especially when we know that someone hurt us on purpose, but we are Christians (which means Christ-like) and we must show others the true love of Christ...even if that means forgiveness for something that someone isn't even sorry for. step further....
It is one thing to forgive...but it is another to show forgiveness to a person. This DOES NOT mean saying "well I guess I am going to be the bigger, Christian person and forgive you first." NO! This doesn't work! That looks like we are shoving our Holier than Thou Christian attitudes down a person's face. We MUST show a true Christian attitude meaning that when we forgive a person we actually forgive him or her. We treat them as we would want to be treated. We MUST lay down our PRIDE! I think back to Christ on the Cross. At that very moment when Christ died for our sins I am sure his pride was completely drained. He hung on a wooden cross, naked, beaten, mocked, cursed, and much more....was His pride not broken? Was he not betrayed by his family? Was he not hurt on purpose?....AND what did He do? Died and forgave us so that we may live a better life.

As Christians we must make an effort to show God's love....even in the worst situations. Even when someone has intentionally hurt us.....we must forgive and show kindness....because in the end all that person may have needed was your Christ-like attention and you may have showed them the light to a Heavenly Eternity.

Take a step back and think before you blow up....think about how proud God our Father would be of us for showing his love to someone who obviously needs it.

"All bitterness, anger and wrath, insult and slander must be removed from you, along with all wickedness. And be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving one another, just as God also forgave you in Christ."
~Ephesians 4:31~

"Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful."
~Luke 6:3~

"And whenever you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him, so that your Father in heaven may also forgive you your wrongdoings."
~Mark 11:25~

"And forgive us our sins, for we ourselves also forgive everyone in debt to us."
~Luke 11:4~

"A person's insight gives him patience, and his virtue is to overlook an offense."
~Proverbs 19:11~

"See to it that no one repays evil for evil to anyone, but always pursue what is good for one another and for all."
~1 Thessalonians 5:15~

"Grudges are like hand grenades; it is wise to release them before they destroy you."
~Barbara Johnson~

Sunday, April 1, 2012

The Sunshine award...Thanks Em :)

My Friend Em Cain gave me the sunshine award! Thanks Em :)

She said I've got a few questions to answer about myself :)
1. Favorite Color?
Orange (like in the coral family) Something so refreshing about this color! It's hot for this summer too!
2. Favorite Number?
I have always enjoyed the number 14...not sure's just appealing I guess.
3. Favorite Non Alcoholic Drink?
Dr. Pepper....or Sweet Tea....I can't go wrong with either!
4. Twitter or Facebook?
Facebook....on twitter I just feel like I am talking to myself!
5. My passion?
Jesus Christ Saves!
6. Favorite Animal?
Little baby puppies!
7. Getting or giving presents?
I love giving! I can spend hours and hours picking out gifts for other people. The looks on their faces when they get gifts is the best!
8. Favorite Flower?
Tulips are GORGEOUS!

SEE!!!! I'm just absolutely obsessed with these gorgeous flowers right now! I need some for my new house! ...BTW I will post pics of my home exclusively on my blog! WE just have some serious decorating to do first! 


Optimism....does anyone have it anymore?

"I am able to do all things through Christ who strengthens me."
                                                                       ~Philippians 4:13~

Why do we allow ourselves to be filled up with negativity from the world? AND WHY do we allow ourselves to be negative period? Negative people are NOT happy people...and quite frankly...they are not fun to be around. Why should we surround ourselves with people who see life as the glass is half empty? There are so many possibilities in this world. God gives us talents and blessings so that we may shed his light onto other's lives.

We should...focus on possibilities, not the road blocks (even though we will approach those road blocks and time to time failure), but don't invest YOU LIFE or even TWO SECONDS of your time on past misfortune. Instead, look to the future with optimism and hope of a better today! WE are NOT promised tomorrow, but we are promised God's love, and the best thing about God's love is that all we have to do is accept it. He wants to be a part of our lives. He wants for us to invite him in. He longs to be needed by us, and we need him in our lives daily.

Encourage your friends and family to be optimistic. Even when we do have bad days, try and find one great thing that has happened that day and focus on that. We must share God's blessings with everyone. Surround yourself with people of happiness, joy, and optimism. Do not get stuck in the rut and use it as an excuse for your life. Put God in control, and he will steer you where you need to be.


Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Engery Needed

"Whatever you do, do it enthusiastically, as something done for the Lord and not for men."                                                                                                                  ~Colossians 3:23~

Do you ever feel like you just do not have the energy to do one more thing in your day? Or, do you feel like you have no time to do the really important things for your life and your family? Burning the candle at both ends is very tempting. It is hard to say no sometimes, but by taking on another task we burden ourselves, and this can become potentially destructive. WE must prioritize our lives and put the important things first. This may mean saying no to someone or something we do not want to say no to, but we must lookout for our own well-being sometimes. (And the well-being of our family....especially our poor husbands who take the brunt of frustration.)

If you are a woman with too many demands and too few hours in which to meet them, do not worry because God is good, and he is here for us! Focus upon God and His love for you. Ask him to provide you with the strength you need to prioritize your life and responsibilities.

"Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow; it empties today of its strength."
                                                                                                        Corrie ten Boom

REMEMBER: The best time to begin living triumphantly is the present moment!!!